HIIT-a quick way to look your best in lingerie.
By Katie
muffin tops, spare tires, chicken wings-we've all heard them and
probably have even pointed out these "flaws" on ourselves. How can we
get rid of these problem areas so we can feel confident (link back to
confidence post) and look sexy in lingerie (add photo of your lingerie)?
Your first daunting thought may be to spend hours in the gym doing
millions of push-ups and squats in hopes to develop sculpted shoulders
and toned gams to flaunt in lingerie. WRONG! Spot reducing, or targeting
specific areas on your body that you want to lose fat from, has been a
common myth in the fitness industry. Although those push-ups and squats
are sculpting exercises, if there is a layer of fat on top of the
muscle, you will see little (if any) definition.
So what's a girl to do? High intensity interval training!
HIIT, a form of cardiovascular training, is alternating periods of
high-intensity exercise (sprinting, hills, jumping rope) with
lower-intensity exercise (jogging/walking, marching) for any desired
amount of time. The benefits of HIIT are: improved overall fat loss,
increase in Vo2 max (max amount of oxygen you can uptake during
exercise), and a greater EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption),
meaning you'll continue to burn fat and calories even after the workout
is completed. Another great benefit of HIIT is you can complete a
workout in 15-20 minutes and no equipment is required!
In no time, you'll be flaunting not only a confident and sleek body in lingerie, but a toned one too!

Having a wonderful design of lingerie it gives confident for a woman.
Interesting stuff… This is a nice and compact piece of writing. If you want to know a bit more on HIIT and why its so effective a(and hard!) We have written a sort of ‘summary’ on HIIT, a compilation/summary of university papers – re-written into plain English! We would love to hear your comments… http://www.fitness-saver.com/2012/04/23/hiit-high-intensity-interval-training/
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